Musings on and around tarot
The Fool is the only card in the Major Arcana without a number. His number is zero. There is an enigma, a paradox here: for how can nothing be something? The Fool is a non-person and yet he is here before us striding blithely towards the cliff edge accompanied by his companion dog. Why is he not number 1 in the Major Arcana?
There are many different schools of thought in tarot work, just as there are many branches of psychology, counselling and other talking therapies. Some tarot readers trust their own psychic abilities or their intuition to connect with the cards. Others feel that they have contact with Spirit.
I usually pull one card in the morning for the day ahead and review it in the evening to see how it illuminates my experience of the day. it helps me to reflect on what has been happening, and it often sheds new light on the meaning of the symbols and archetypes for me in my daily life.
A great Tarot reading doesn't have to be mystical, surrounded by crystals, incense and other regalia designed to attract spirits from beyond the veil.
Tarot cards use symbols and archetypes to express ideas in a language that we all recognise. It is the language of myths and fairy tales; of songs and stories; of movies and dramas; of poetry and fable.
Here we see the crawfish with a tough shell protecting its vulnerable underbelly. It is climbing out of the water towards a moonlit path that will take it up the mountain to a higher self.
The Death card can seem scary, even for experienced tarot readers who, when it comes up in a reading, know that many of their sitters will be anxious.
This card speaks of freedom and the joy to be found when we break away from old ideas or what is expected of us and embrace all possibilities. It tells us that finding ourselves and celebrating who we are and what we have achieved with family and friends is a way to fulfilment.
When people feel that society makes collective decisions that disregard the unique needs of the individual, their feelings of alienation are compounded by illness, poverty, isolation.
Are you wondering what quantum mechanics could possibly have to do with tarot? You are probably not alone. And frankly most people (including tarot readers) would not even be interested. Feel free to skip this blog post. However, if like me you are always curious about the ways of the universe and look for explanations, not least for the astounding results of a tarot reading, I think Heisenberg had it down.