Practical Tarot

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A Three Card Reading for the Day Ahead

Cards from The Radiant Rider Wait Smith Tarot Deck

Why Do a Daily Reading?

Today I decided to do a 3 card reading to explore the day ahead. There seems to be so much happening and I am not keeping up with everything I should be doing - social media, family, friends, live readings and chat on Twitch, tarot workshops and webinars - I’m feeling a bit under pressure and I feel as though I am in danger of neglecting the people and things I love.

I usually pull one card in the morning for the day ahead and review it in the evening to see how it illuminates my experience of the day. it helps me to reflect on what has been happening, and it often sheds new light on the meaning of the symbols and archetypes for me in my daily life.

So, these were my cards for today. And of course they are telling me just what I needed I need to hear right now.

The Positions of the Cards in the Spread.

I decided to pull three cards. The first card, from the Major Arcana, to describe the theme or nature of the day ahead. The second, a Court card to suggest how to approach matters that arise during the day. The third card from the Minor Arcana can point me towards how to re-frame my thoughts and actions in a practical way to make the most of the day ahead.

  1. The Theme of the Day - The Star

  2. How to Approach the Day with Commitment - The Page of Cups

  3. Re-framing and Actions - The 6 of Cups

The Star as Theme of the Day

The Star reminds us of the importance of perspective and optimism. Whatever misfortunes or setbacks we have endured, we have the capacity to make the most of everything that life has to offer us. In the words of Joni Mitchell, “We are stardust”. Our lives are fleeting but the meaning of our lives is immense, infinite, because we are part of and can tap into the greater Universe - into the Divine, if by that we mean our extraordinary existence. We can decide to be present as the minutes, hours and days of our lives unfold. We can choose to hope; choose to be inspired by the knowledge that we are a miracle of creation in a universe of miracles. We can take that inspiration and transform it into action in the material world. We are part of the mystery of the Universe and we owe it to ourselves to live each day in the light of that knowledge.

The Page of Cups as Way to Approach the Day

Commit yourself to being undemanding and fully accepting of the day ahead. Allow yourself to imagine the best of outcomes and you may be surprised by what the day has to offer. Whatever arises, listen to your unconscious and go with it, trust your intuition and know that anything is possible if you suspend judgement. Tread lightly on the feelings of others, be accepting and know that they mean well. They will bring joy, humour and love into your life if you are willing to allow your ego to step out of the way and be receptive.

The Six of Cups as a Way to Re-frame Thoughts and Act on Your Commitments.

The Six of Cups in this position is a reminder to be receptive to and grateful for whatever the day and the people around us have to offer. There are lots of scientific research studies (examples here, here and here) to show that expressing gratitude can make you happier and change the way you live your life for the better. The Six of Cups here tells us that small kindnesses can make a big difference to people’s lives and will be remembered. Sometimes we need all need help, and that is fine too. Allowing others to give us a helping hand when we need it is giving them a gift too. Gratitude makes us wiser, better and happier people.

A Personal Message From The Cards

Each of these cards speaks of love in all its aspects. They remind me how incredibly lucky I am to be busy, to have friends and family and work that I love and to be able to choose how to spend my days. I really have to take the time to enjoy everything I have right now because it never stays the same. I have had my share of challenging times but I know that the most important things in life are always a part of me and can never be taken away. Family and friends who have passed always remain in our hearts. Employment comes and goes but the real work we do is in our heads, hearts and souls.