Practical Tarot

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The Seven of Cups

Smith-Waite Tarot Deck Borderless Edition

The dreamy, imaginary, watery world of the 7 of Cups reflects the power of our fantasies to take us away from the real world. Imagination is a wonderful gift but sometimes it can carry us away. Here we see a lost soul – the figure is a black silhouette – caught up in their daydreams and confused about what they think will make them genuinely happy. This card reminds me of a young contestant being interviewed on a music talent show who, when asked what she wanted from the competition replied, “I just want to be famous.”

Whether you dream of winning a gold medal at the Olympics, being irresistibly attractive, having a great house, wearing masses of bling or being the hero to millions for your fearless feats of bravery: while having a dream is wonderful, take care that it is not merely an illusion. It is fine to aspire to being a great chef with a successful TV show watched by millions – but learning how to cook is a necessary first step.

Procrastination is something that most of us are familiar with. Sometimes our dreams actually prevent us from getting started. The phrase “I want to . . . ” becomes a warning sign. Instead, try starting your sentence with “I’m going to . . . “, and now the dream starts to become reality. The art of manifesting our ideas in the real world is about taking action, grasping opportunities, making things happen.

When the 7 of Cups is Reversed it suggests that the time of dreaming is over. You know what you want and, although you may not yet be sure how you are going to get there, you are ready to move forward. If you are determined to lose some weight, you know now is the time to act, to have a plan and stick to it to achieve your goal. If you want a beautiful garden, buy some seeds and a spade. If you want to be spiritually enlightened, you must first take up a spiritual practice. It is a truism that if you want to be loved, you must first love yourself.  

If you are feeling lost or confused and have no idea what you want or how to manifest it, reach out and talk to friends or family about your dilemma, find a counsellor or a life coach, have a tarot reading, start doing something, anything at all that you find enjoyable.  The first step towards manifesting your ideas and dreams is deciding to make them happen.