Practical Tarot

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The Three of Wands Reversed.

Image from The Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck, the Borderless version

The Threes in Tarot, overseen by The Empress, the archetype of our deepest human experience of love and creativity, are expressions of the feminine principle of the perceptive and transformational power of love. The Empress is Yin, the receptive, the womb through which all Souls must pass. Here in the Three of Wands we see The Empress expressed through feelings, our drive, our passions about ourselves and our world.

Reversed, the 3 of Wands is telling us that we need to find that self-belief that comes from the deep well of Universal love that expresses itself through our earliest relationships and continues throughout our lives. Self-love is an acknowledgement that we are capable of anything, can achieve anything, can overcome all obstacles with love. Malala Youfazia is a perfect example of the loving spirit that strengthens and focuses the individual against all odds. Her boundless love for humanity can be an inspiration to those who feel that they have lost their way and can no longer summon the energy to move on or re-engage with life.

Perhaps you are feeling a bit lost; wondering where you are going and where your present path is leading you. You might feel that your life is out of balance or you have simply lost your motivation. Or perhaps your work is not engaging your talents or your career seems less than inspiring right now. You need to find your spark somehow. The Three of Wands can be the nudge you need to get off the sofa and think about new ways to reignite your passion for life. It’s not always that easy. How do you find the energy and enthusiasm to start that project, rekindle your relationship or start a new one? How do you decide what to study or where or when?

In a Tarot reading we would focus on finding that energy and draw some cards to explore all the possibilities that life has to offer. Remember, that Empress energy is there inside you. It might be struggling for expression right now but it is as much a part of you as your physical body. She deserves to be heard - and you deserve the renewed enthusiasm for life that her voice will give you.