practical tarot

A Three Card Reading for the Day Ahead

I usually pull one card in the morning for the day ahead and review it in the evening to see how it illuminates my experience of the day. it helps me to reflect on what has been happening, and it often sheds new light on the meaning of the symbols and archetypes for me in my daily life.

The Chariot

The Chariot can be a difficult card to interpret. At number 7 in the Major Arcana, it follows The Lovers which is a time when we learned to make our own decisions and chose to leave our childhood behind to step out into the world as individuals. How do we leave the love and security of our family, the community that has nurtured us, to begin this journey of self-discovery?

The Hanged Man and the Pandemic

The Hanged Man is one of the 3 cards at the centre of the 22 cards of the Major Arcana. The Wheel of Fortune 10, Justice 11, and The Hanged Man 12 – they all represent the mid-point in our journey from ‘birth’ (in the physical sense, of our spiritual growth, and of our personal development) towards what Jung called ‘self-actualisation’ or becoming whole or fulfilled.

The Empress and the Threes in Tarot

The Threes in tarot are overseen by The Empress who represents our deepest human experiences. She is our Soul manifested in the physical world from birth, through growth and decay to death and then rebirth. She is vitality and constant renewal.